Civil War 2: The Battle of the Bathroom

House Bill 2! I suppose you have heard of it?

If you have been watching the news anytime during the last 30 days anywhere in America then you know what House Bill 2 is and that is the bill passed by the State of North Carolina to not allow transgenders to use public restrooms in which they feel meets their sexual preference. This story has been a HUGE media blitz since it has passed, with the States of New York and Connecticut stopping all non essential business travel to North Carolina because of their stand to keep their state moral.

So what is this? It is simply a battle for the soul of our nation and folks I in my own words will call it “America’s Second Civil War.” Unlike the first American Civil war that was fought with muskets and bayonets, this is being fought through the airwaves, internet, cable and satellite and any other means of 2016 media avenues. When all the riots were going on in Missouri several years ago, where was the battle seen?

On major news networks and in an attempt to boost their ratings, it was sending fuel and division all across the country just as House Bill 2 has done but yet instead of the negative in my opinion, it has been for the positive.

Jesus said in John 15:18: “If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.”

The morals and standards of our Lord Jesus are under attack in this great land we live in because of the freedom and liberty He has given us. 

Galatians 5:13 says: “For, brethren, ye have been called unto liberty; only use not liberty for an occasion to the flesh, but by love serve one another.”

So what is it that we Christians do in this “Civil War 2” battle against immorality in our nation? We do like Mrs. Clara did in War Room and go to our War Room and totally bombard Heaven with our prayers that our God will break the strongholds of the wicked in this country that make more headlines in the media than the soul getting saved at the local church last week did. Many in rural America, like where I Pastor in eastern North Carolina, don’t see the riots and the conflicts except on these media outlets.

However, after I returned from the National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Nashville, TN back in February, I showed them a clip from You Tube of a protest that broke out during the Wednesday night worship service in which my wife and I had attended supporting same sex relationships that they may see that it is not just a news story or newspaper article, but that the Battle is real!!!!

Protest at National Religious Broadcaster’s Convention during Rick Warren session:


HB2 - battle for the soul of our nation, I call it America’s Second Civil War. @PastorBarry86 Click To Tweet

May we as Christians use our freedoms and our outlets of media not for “an occasion of the flesh” but to love Jesus first and one another second.

May we as Christians use our freedoms & our outlets of media to love Jesus & love one another. @PastorBarry86 Click To Tweet

About the Author_02

Author Photo- Barry Stallings

Senior Pastor
“The Grove”: Pleasant Grove Original Free Baptist Church | Pikeville, NC

In 1988 Barry accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and life and a year later in September 1989 answered God’s call to preach the gospel. Also, within this period he wrote his first of many songs which led him to sing gospel music.  In 1989 he became a southern gospel music radio announcer that led him into Christian television in 1992.  On July 6th the same year he became the host of a southern gospel music video program, “Together Again with Barry Stallings”, which airs to this day on WHFL-TV43 in Goldsboro, NC.

Since December 2003 Barry has been serving as Senior Pastor of Pleasant Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church otherwise nicknamed “The Grove” of Pikeville, NC, and hosts a TV and radio ministry entitled “Pleasant News From the Grove” each week which are outreaches of Pleasant Grove Church.  He has been married to his wife Olivia since March of 1992 and they have two very talented daughters Karen, 22 and Katie, 20.

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