Fuel Our Fire

fuel our fires

What is it today that “fuels our fire?”


Is it the thrill of a Super Bowl like we just witnessed between the Atlanta Falcons and New England Patriots? Perhaps in some ways, yes. Not to mention the entire world had access to the game through either FOX Sports, FOX Sports Streaming, Network Radio and even online game cast. No matter how you slice it, this game was covered by all types of media including the social kind like Twitter and Facebook.

Yet it’s hard to believe that the game did not cause as much “fire” as what is going on politically in our nation right now. On one side of the media you have networks such as MSNBC and CNN who really seem to have a bad taste in their mouth when it comes to President Trump, while FOX News seems to enjoy covering our new 45th President. So therefore it is these networks that are really “fueling the fires” in the hearts of Americans.

I know for me, for instance, whenever I hear something negative that goes against my political beliefs on the news, it makes me cringe. Being a conservative it gets under my skin to hear so much disrespect towards the office of the President.  Certainly I have no problems with people having their own opinions, however, there is no doubt that the news media does seem to fuel the flames of division in our country today. Have you noticed it seems like every story on every news network has to do with politics? What about the weather, people? Not to mention the Super Bowl was covered but not without The Patriots organization and QB Tom Brady getting flack from the liberal media and Hollywood all because of their relationship with President Trump. Perhaps our new President is going to do something right? If you look at scripture, Peter was persecuted for his relationship to Christ only to deny Him three times because it was “the popular thing to do”. Not to mention he was scared for his life.

The media today folks has a huge influence over our lives. May we never forget that when Judgment Day comes, it is not CNN, NBC, CBS, ABC or FOX we will be standing before but GOD! May we live to please and serve Him to our fullest no matter what any person or media outlet may say.

What is it today that fuels our fire as Christians? @PastorBarry86 Click To Tweet


About the Author_02

Author Photo- Barry Stallings

Senior Pastor
“The Grove”: Pleasant Grove Original Free Baptist Church | Pikeville, NC

In 1988 Barry accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and life and a year later in September 1989 answered God’s call to preach the gospel. Also, within this period he wrote his first of many songs which led him to sing gospel music. In 1989 he became a southern gospel music radio announcer that led him into Christian television in 1992. On July 6th the same year he became the host of a southern gospel music video program, “Together Again with Barry Stallings”, which airs to this day on WHFL-TV43 in Goldsboro, NC.

Since December 2003 Barry has been serving as Senior Pastor of Pleasant Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church otherwise nicknamed “The Grove” of Pikeville, NC, and hosts a TV and radio ministry entitled “Pleasant News From the Grove” each week which are outreaches of Pleasant Grove Church. He has been married to his wife Olivia since March of 1992 and they have two very talented daughters Karen, 22 and Katie, 20.

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