How Fear Inspired My Life and Career

fear inspired

“Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9

Fear is a powerful word. Fear is real. It can stop us right in our tracks, debilitating us. It is the enemy messing with our heads, lying to us, telling us we are less than, worthless, and discouraging us from hope. Fear also mirrors that you need to grow in strength and wisdom.

I was afraid of my mother. She was very strict, critical and moody. She was the disciplinarian of the house. I felt I could never make my mother proud of me as a child no matter how or what I excelled at. Often, she called us, “Stupid, good for nothing kids”. When I became an adult I was still anxious and worried she was looking over my shoulder, disapproving angrily even when she wasn’t there in my apartment.

I wanted to become an actor with my main goal being to make a television commercial so my mother could see me looking back at her on her T.V., then she would see I could shine. When it aired, she was shocked, happy and proud especially when the neighbors said they saw her daughter on T.V.! She didn’t know I could act or desired to. I finally felt an achievement of my own, and validation that I mattered to her! I WAS GOOD FOR SOMETHING. I knew it; I just had to prove something big to her. How sad that I wasn’t sure of her love or felt validated that I was important to her. The fear was a lie, and I bought it.

Fear is a powerful word. Fear also mirrors that you need to grow in strength and wisdom. @msirenesantiago Click To Tweet

“What are YOU afraid of?” I posed this question one night at a dinner.

One guest said he was afraid of getting cancer because his family has a history and many family members died from it. Both his parents were diagnosed and thankfully are survivors. One woman said she was afraid of racially being profiled. Another said she was afraid of being alone in dark, unknown locations. A young man said he was afraid of disappointing those he loves.

“Fear of man will prove to be a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is kept safe.” Proverbs 29:25

What do you DO to calm your anxiety?” I asked them.

“I get cancer checkups; I need to take care of myself my family.”

“When I’m afraid, I do what I love. I draw and write stories.”

“I surround myself with good people I trust and work with my community being a part of the solution, not the problem.”

“By having the support and love of my family, it gives me strength.”

  • Action cures fear.
  • Prayer leads to strength.
  • Support provides wisdom.

“The Lord is my light and my salvation—whom shall I fear?  The Lord is the stronghold of my life—of whom shall I be afraid?”  Psalm 27:1

Prayer is strong medicine. Don’t be afraid to ask for prayer. @msirenesantiago Click To Tweet

Action cures my fear. When I’m nervous, frazzled, or scared; I stop and acknowledge the moment, take a breath, and then I say a little prayer, “God is with me all the time”, over and over. When I do, I do not feel alone, my anxiety melts away and is replaced with focus and courage. Change your focus; keep your sight on God.

“I can do all this through him who gives me strength.” Phil 4:13

Prayer is strong medicine. Don’t be afraid to ask for prayer, it is an honor to pray for others. God lets us contribute to aide another in this way. *A helpful tip – If you feel uneasy about asking for prayer for yourself at church or don’t attend church for whatever reason, ask your prayer warrior friends on social media for their help. There are so many prayer groups that you may join or just put in a prayer request. God sends angels to us for help where we least expect it.

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.” Phil 4:6

But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint.” Isaiah 40:31

Support and knowledge possess wisdom. Support is all around us, you just need to seek it out. We know more about mental illness, cancer, racism, dangerous streets, and the weather; basically anything than we have ever known, and tomorrow we will know more.

“If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you.” James 1:5

Seek a mentor, these are people you trust, admire or respect. They could be within your community or not. They could be doctors, teachers, parents, clergy, or co-workers can be mentors. The internet is full of free information and encouragement. 24 hours a day. 7 days a week.

“As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Reflecting on my relationship with my mother, we realized she suffered from mental illness, she was possibly bi-polar. This was never diagnosed because it wasn’t something doctors knew too much about back then. She wasn’t sure how to express her love and didn’t understand how to control her emotions. She didn’t confide in anyone and felt alone, and afraid which turned into resenting her husband and children.

Before she passed away many years ago around Halloween, she was invited to a neighborhood party. As I was helping her with her costume, in a tender moment between us, she confided to me a secret; when she was young, she once had dreams of performing in the theater as a singer and actress, but was afraid to make it happen because she grew up poor and nobody she knew believed in that kind of dream or in her. Then she became married, had kids and her dream was over. She gave me a sweet, proud smile and said she was proud I was able to make my dream come true. I realize now, when she was having a good day she was singing and singing took away her fears.

Fear inspired me to choose to reach down deep and gave me strength to bring up the good stuff to give me the momentum to move forward. Fear gave me the wisdom to ask Jesus to lead me to others to aid me, and to open my borders for opportunities, knowledge and growth in His name. I know I am good for something. I always was, and will always be because I am a daughter of the King of Peace.

And that is the truth.

Support is all around us, you just need to seek it out. @msirenesantiago Click To Tweet

About the Author_02

Irene Santiago
Actress | Voiceover Artist | Spokesperson

Ms. Santiago is a true working actress in film, theater, television and voice over industry. She has taken on various, challenging roles from a savvy but stern, mother/business woman who ages over 40 years and suffers a stroke, a gritty, no-nonsense police officer, as a human trafficking victim who speaks no English in a strange land, to charismatic reporters. In the multi award winning, faith base feature film, Adrenaline, staring John Schneider, she has also added co-executive producer to her list of credits.

Some of her credits include, multi award winning, Disney’s High School Musical 1, One Tree Hill, Providence, (Best Supporting Actress, Best Audience , voted Fan Favorite Christian Film Festival Newport News, VA). She is also has several voice over credits and commercial credits- domestic and worldwide under her belt.

Youngest of 8 and grew up in a small town in Utah to immigrant parents from Puerto Rico. Ms. Santiago teaches presentation skills through acting to at risk, rural youth with the Rose Hill Friends Arts. A Fine Arts programs giving back to rural school children the schools and the entire community, donating any surplus proceeds to the school system’s Art and Music programs. Irene and her husband, Del and their 2 children, live on the East coast.

Her motto is: “I know my ABC’s…I Act Because of Christ.”