How Leaders Open the Door to Their Future

Leaders open the door

The future.

No matter how old or young we are, we seem to have this constant pull at the future. Sometimes, thinking about the future can be the very thing that robs us from living in and loving the present. Sometimes, the future can be so bright that we overlook the present.


Sometimes, the future can be so bleak that we throw the present away and rob our future.


For leaders, there’s a balance between the present and the future. A balance that works in the present and is faithful and honest with the present, but can look to the future with vision, passion, and specific direction.

For a young leader, it can often be a bitter-sweet look to the future. We’re full of hopes and dreams about what could be, about the vision we have, and about the successful roads we’ll pave, but we also feel like the present place and situation is forever – like we’ll never get past where we are to get to the place where we can truly lead and impact people.


For experienced leaders and young leaders alike, here are 2 steps to opening the door to a bright future…

Humility is the key.

We don’t have to look far in scripture to see how much God honors humility. A humble heart is dear to His heart. I really believe it’s because He was willing to humble Himself to the greatest depths in order to rescue us. Because of His willingness to be humble, He desires for us to be as well. He wants us to be humble at heart, but strong in faith.


A humble heart really is the key to the future. Are you not where you want to be right now? Become humble and see that you don’t begin to unlock possibilities. Are you not making the impact you thought you’d be making? Remain humble and continue to serve. Look at yourself through His eyes and know that you are worth it all to Him, but a servant at heart.

Faithfulness turns the handle.

If humility is the key to the door, faithfulness is what unlocks your future and turns the handle. Remain faithful. Humbly walk in the present and be faithful where God already has you. It’s amazing how many people want more but never steward what they have. Be faithful to God, be faithful to your employer, be faithful to your spouse.


The future is bright, but the present has opportunity.

Use the present. Be present in the present. And walk to the future.