Starting with a Vision

As we all know, media comes in many forms. 

In 2015, its in Radio, TV, Internet, Print, Social Media and as we have recently discussed on this blog, Film and Movies.

By the way I want to give [twelve:thirty]media owner Carl Barnhill a big ‘God bless you’ and ‘thank you’ for his promotion of the Christian film industry and his recent interviews with Christian actress Ashley Bratcher and her lead role in Princess Cut, and his awesome interview with T.C. Stallings and his lead role in the Christian box office hit War Room. Excellent job my friend!

And yet as movies like War Room have certainly gotten the attention of the Christian and even secular world, what about other media ministries that are still out there working for the Lord? For instance at Pleasant Grove Church where I pastor in Pikeville, NC, we have just signed on with a low power FM radio station that covers half of our county. Someone once asked “Why put a low power FM on the air when there is a larger Christian network in your area? Well, to give one simple answer, “VISION.”

Proverbs 29:18 tells us where there is no vision the people perish and this vision was laid upon the heart of an Air Force Veteran who is a member of our church. Now, suppose somebody one day listens to that station and gives their heart to Christ? Then wasn’t the vision of that station fulfilled in the eyes of the Lord? Amen!

You see folks, even in Christian media we often look at ministry from a worldly perspective. And yet if it is ministry we have to remember that God called certain things into existence to further the cause of Christ and accomplish His will as Jesus said in Mathew 24:14: “And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”

Even in Christian media we often look at ministry from a worldly perspective. @PastorBarry86 Click To Tweet

So no matter if it is low power radio, TV, internet or even blogs like this one, they were all started with a vision for Christ to win souls to Him and bring people closer to Him. May we all keep doing this as writers, TV and radio personalities and more as we look for that great day when King Jesus returns!

About the Author_02

Author Photo- Barry Stallings

Senior Pastor
“The Grove”: Pleasant Grove Original Free Baptist Church | Pikeville, NC

In 1988 Barry accepted Jesus Christ into his heart and life and a year later in September 1989 answered God’s call to preach the gospel. Also, within this period he wrote his first of many songs which led him to sing gospel music.  In 1989 he became a southern gospel music radio announcer that led him into Christian television in 1992.  On July 6th the same year he became the host of a southern gospel music video program, “Together Again with Barry Stallings”, which airs to this day on WHFL-TV43 in Goldsboro, NC.

Since December 2003 Barry has been serving as Senior Pastor of Pleasant Grove Original Free Will Baptist Church otherwise nicknamed “The Grove” of Pikeville, NC, and hosts a TV and radio ministry entitled “Pleasant News From the Grove” each week which are outreaches of Pleasant Grove Church.  He has been married to his wife Olivia since March of 1992 and they have two very talented daughters Karen, 22 and Katie, 20.

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