Ways to Quickly Build Influence

build influence

This post comes from a personal place for me.

After 6 years at my previous church, I’m in a new place of service. I’m with new people, new coworkers, and a new environment. Being a pastor and someone who wants to influence the lives of the people around me for the kingdom, I’ve been doing a lot of thinking on how to build influence.

The truth is, there’s really no way to microwave building influence. It only comes through time. You have to struggle together, do life together, experience trial together, be honest with each other, and show love over an amount of time in order to truly build influence.

That being said, however, there are some things that I believe help speed the process along a little. Here are a few…

Be You

Yes, this one may seem obvious but it’s important. When we show up in a new spot the tendency is to turn into a slightly different version of ourselves (based on who we’re with and the temperature of the place we’re in) in order to kind of fit in and feel like we’re a part of it. There’s some good that comes from that, but not as much long term good as simply being yourself. Don’t hide who you really are. People see through the facade and will be even more reluctant to trust you.

Find Ways to Network

Go where the people are. In order to build influence, you have to get to know people and have them get to know you. Find where the people are and make an effort to go there. Do they get to work early and hang out in someone’s office or a break room, find a way to be there. Do they go to lunch the same time, try to put yourself in a spot to get invited and go. Do you have an office? Find a way to help people feel welcome in it. Don’t be creepy, but be available and willing.

Over Help

Once again, don’t be creepy or clingy or annoying, but be available and willing to help the people around you. This may mean you do something things, for a season, that you typically wouldn’t or wouldn’t have time for. Do them. This will help people see that you’re a team player and have everyone’s well being and desires at heart.

Influence isn’t instant. It takes time, but we can slip into a spot and make it happen a little faster than it typically would.

To build influence you have to get to know people & have them get to know you. @jonathanpearson Click To Tweet

About the Author_02


Author / Pastor
Next Up | Orangeburg S.C

Jonathan Pearson is a millennial determined to leave the world in better shape than he found it. He is a 2008 graduate of Charleston Southern University and attended Liberty University Seminary. He and his wife Melissa married in December 2008 and began serving full-time as a Student Minister. Two years later, Jonathan heard God’s call to move on faith to Orangeburg, S.C. and get involved in Cornerstone Community Church. After just a couple of months, Jonathan was hired on staff. Jonathan was Orangeburg Campus Pastor at Cornerstone, a campus with an average of 1400 attendees until January of 2017. He now serves as Connections Pastor for SpringWell Church in Taylors, S.C.


In June of 2013, Jonathan was recognized as one of the nation’s top young influencers by Brad Lomenick, Founder of Catalyst. He’s also been a speaker at The Sticks Conference, Exponential, The NINES, and Propel conferences. In June 2014, Jonathan released his first book, Next Up: 8 Shifts Great Young Leaders Make. In May 2015, Jonathan released an eBook with ChurchMag Press to help pastors get the important stuff done called The Productive Pastor Handbook. Jonathan co-hosts a monthly leadership podcast called the Next Up Podcast geared towards helping young leaders expand their influence. He’s also been a guest on the Carey Nieuwhof Leadership Podcast and the Productivityist Podcast. He and his wife also welcomed their first child, Riley, into the world in April of 2014.