5 Ways to Make Sure Sunday is a Win


Sunday is the best day of my week. Here are 5 things I do to make sure it’s a win:

1. Get to Church early.

Have you ever overslept? When you finally got to where you were going did it feel like you were playing catch-up for the next few hours? I know we as technical artists already tend to be the first ones in the door on Sunday morning, but I have found that if I get to church earlier than I need to be, it sets a great tone for the rest of the morning. Which leads into the next point.

2. Pray for your day and start your worship.

We see many instances in scripture of Jesus getting alone to pray. My default is when I walk in the door to get down to business and start the processes. I’ve found that taking 5-10 minutes to pray for my team, the teams I’m going to be serving, and my church, sets the tone for the rest of my day which effects my worship.

3. Turn stuff on for your team.

My staff of 15 techs on a Sunday morning is all volunteer. While I want them to be proficient in running their craft when I’m not there, I know that people oversleep and get sick. I want to serve my team because the rest of the day they are going to be serving our church. If everyone is on time, this gives us 5 minutes to catch-up before rehearsals start.

4. Speak Vision.

So much of what we do as technical artists is executing a task at the right time. That seems to be where the most of our energy goes on a Sunday. We focus on what we have to do, but my team needs to know the why and the result of their service on a weekly basis. Some of my favorite moments on a Sunday are being able to get on the COM and tell someone that because of that framing, that transition, that saucy reverb at the perfect time, they created a moment where someone experienced God.

The “Why” is so important for my team to hear. Without their time, energy, and worship, our church isn’t going to be effective in reaching our community with the Gospel.

Without your team's time, energy & worship, your church isn’t going to be as effective. @jeremyframstad Click To Tweet
5. Encourage, don’t critique… yet.

When we miss something such as a lighting cue, stage transition, awkward pause, a shot that is framed wrong, it is easy to use those a teaching moments. But every time it happens?… I try to write those things down on my phone for a monthly email or to touch on later in the week.

I used to critique to the point that I could see written on my team members faces, “We can’t do anything right! Why are we even here?” Whenever possible, celebrate what your team members are doing well. Then, when something needs to be improved, they will be up for the challenge.

What do you do to make sure Sunday is a win for you and your team? Leave a comment below.

About the Author_02

Author Photo - Jeremy Framstad

Technical Arts Director
Grace Community Church | Fremont, OH

Jeremy serves in full-time ministry as the Technical Arts Director at Grace Community Church in Fremont, Ohio. He has had the privilege of working in a growing ministry the last 11 years as the church’s average weekend attendance has grown from 700 to over 1,800 across two campuses. He came to know Jesus as his personal Savior at a young age but really started taking ownership of his faith once he started attending Grace Community. He met his wife, Jenny at the church. They have two kids, Cooper and Gretta.