Going Beyond The Technical

beyond the technical

While leading and serving within the technical aspects of the church, sometimes as leaders we can run the risk of focusing too much on the tech and not enough on the people.

Yes I love a glitch free service as much as the next person, however, if that is our only focus as a leader than we are missing something. I can’t remember who said it but I heard a quote that I thought summed up what we do as technical leaders well. It went something like, “We are not using people to get tasks done but instead using tasks to get people done.” Having a technically excellence service or always focusing on the next task on the list and trying to get things done is not wrong… but it shouldn’t be the only goal.

One example of this recently for me was a really involved team member was serving way too much and his relationship with his family was suffering due to the amount of time he was spending apart from them. Even though he was such an integral part to our team, I knew that making him take a break would put a little more stress and work on our team, but in the end it would be healthier for him as a team member, but also (and more importantly) as husband and father.

We are not using people to get tasks done but instead using tasks to get people done. @RevProductionGA Click To Tweet

At the end of the day, shepherding and leading people (aka making disciples) is the goal. Great video, lighting, and audio are tools and creative ways to help communicate and spread the Gospel, but don’t forgot your team in your efforts to pull off a technically “excellent” event.

Great video, lighting, & audio are tools and creative ways to help spread the Gospel. @RevProductionGA Click To Tweet

About the Author_02

Author Photo - Brian Damerow

Technical Arts Director
Revolution Church | Canton, GA

Brian has served as the Technical Arts Director at Revolution Church in Canton, Georgia since 2012. He oversees all production throughout the church and leads a team of over 70 volunteers in the areas of audio, video, lighting, stage design, photography and more. He also helps produce media content for their worship services. Brian has been a Front-of-House Audio Engineer for over 10 years. He graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Business Management. He has been married to his wife Paige for almost three years and have a one-year old little girl. Brian loves playing golf, the drums, and watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.