How to Equip Your Sound Team for Success

equip your sound team

Great sound doesn’t just happen.

It takes time, energy, and commitment from a team of dedicated individuals. This not only goes for those on the sound team, but from other leaders in the church as well.

Great sound doesn’t start with your sound system. It doesn’t even start with your sound tech or the people on the platform. It starts with attitude.

We hear a lot of talk about excellence in technical ministry. Sure, excellence is an important concept, and it is vital to serve with excellence. But are you preparing to serve with excellence in mind? Or are you just throwing a bunch of people and stuff together and then hoping for the best?

Technical excellence for a “mega church” might look and sound different than that for a congregation of twenty, but the commitment and attitude of all team members should be the same.

1. Prepare

Thoughtful preparation is an important part of delivering great sound. And this step requires participation from all worship team members.

Worship team leaders and pastors need to lead their teams in service planning. Band section leaders need to understand their responsibilities and be prepared. And sound techs need to be proactive in communicating, managing gear setup and soundchecks.

It is important that tech team members are included as part of the worship team. This may look different for different churches, but sound techs play a crucial role in the delivery of a quality and impacting worship experience.

Pray together, plan together, participate together. Worship together.

2. The Right Tools

Sound techs should be empowered with the right tools to deliver great sound. This doesn’t mean that you need a state of the art mixing console or a full complement of studio-grade microphones. But it does mean that you might need to spend more than $25 on the pastor’s headset mic.

To be clear, excellent gear does not ensure excellent sound. But the right tools used for the right application will go a long way in helping you achieve reliable results when it comes to fulfilling your technical ministry mandate.

Even more important than planning and tools is…

3. Training

The best gear and the most diligent planning will be absolutely ineffective if you haven’t invested in training your team.

Does your church have a training program or on-boarding process in place for new sound team members?

A good sound tech can make a mediocre system sound decent. But I guarantee you that a poorly trained tech can destroy even the best sound system.

Don’t spend any money on new equipment until you’ve first put a plan in place to adequately train your sound team. It could be the best technical investment you make.

Excellent gear does not ensure excellent sound. @james_wasem Click To Tweet

Equipping your sound team for success means more than just giving lip service to the vague notion of “serving with excellence”.

It means investing in your team members, being a good steward of your technical resources, and cultivating an environment where all worship team members are valued.

Here’s to your great sound!

Team up with other churches in your community for group training or knowledge sharing sessions. Contact reputable local audio contractors who specialize in church sound.

Communicate clearly, respect your time, and value the time of others. @james_wasem Click To Tweet

About the Author_02


Author / Audio Engineer
Great Church Sound | Missoula, MT

James Wasem has been fascinated by sound and electricity from an early age. His love of music and technical gear made sound engineering and systems integration a natural pursuit. James has spent the last 20 years performing and touring in bands as a drummer, mixing live sound for churches, schools and theatres, and working as an audio systems installer and designer.

Though involved in highly technical fields, James has a passion for making things simple to understand and easy to use. It was from this passion that the book Great Church Sound – a guide for the volunteer was born. James believes that technical ministry volunteers provide a critical service for their congregations and should be well equipped with quality tools to help them grow in craft, skill, and spirit.

James and his wife Kate (who also provided the illustrations for Great Church Sound) live in the beautiful Rocky Mountains of Missoula, Montana.