Let Them Contribute


A few weeks ago after a worship service I received some great advice from a businessman that applies to our role as Worship Leaders. Every week our goal is to lead people in worship and usually there is some sort of point where we talk, whether it’s at the beginning or in the middle of the set. In that moment, we have the opportunity to diffuse the room and free people from their tension. Your’s could be some of the most important words of someone’s morning.

Don’t get me wrong; we are not playing the role of the Holy Spirit. However, we play a functional part of the Body of Christ as Worship Leaders and the way we welcome people to a worship service can hugely impact their involvement in a service.

It comes down to a simple question: “Are we telling them or are we inviting them?” Humor me for a moment and think of our role as one of a car salesman.

A car salesman’s goal is to get you to purchase a vehicle from them. Some choose to simply tell you information. “This is the best car for your family.”  “This car would certainly be a step up from your current car!”  “I’m telling you, this is a killer deal!”  “You need to buy this car!”  But all the salesman is doing is instructing and not inviting any input. This comes across as controlling.

Another approach is the invitation to contribute. 

Conversations like this sound more like, “Do you think…”, or “What if…”, and “Have you ever…”  The goal is still the same but they’re giving the buyer an opportunity to agree or disagree. Even if the salesman isn’t looking for a verbal response, the use of phrases like these allow the buyer to feel empowered to make their own decision.

Now think about our role as a Worship Leader and how we can apply this knowledge. How do we communicate to our church?

Are we telling people facts or are we inviting people to contribute?

Take, for example, Psalm 95:2.  “Let us come before him with thanksgiving. Let us sing psalms of praise” (NLT). We could tell our church “Psalm 92 says to ‘come before Him with thanksgiving,’ so today let’s be thankful as we worship our God!” Or we could invite and say something more like, “Psalm 95 says to ‘come before Him with thanksgiving.’  Can you think of something to be thankful about?  I know I can!  Do you think that’s something to praise God about today?”

When we do this well it’s like stepping down off the platform and walking our congregation through worship together.  As leaders, let’s do worship together with our congregation.

Don’t simply tell them something and then expect them to do it.  Invite them in.  Invite them to contribute.

Don't simply tell them something & then expect them to do it. Invite them to contribute. @joelvan77 Click To Tweet
What are ways you are inviting your congregation to worship with you?
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About the Author_02

Author Photo - Joel Van

Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts
North County Christ the King | Lynden, WA 

Joel was raised in a Christian family and has worked hard to serve Jesus most of his life. He has always loved music, and from the day he bought his first electric guitar Joel has been involved in worship teams. Joel is passionate about communicating the Gospel to people in ways that are engaging, moving, and vibrant.  Today, Joel gets to do this by serving as the Pastor of Worship and Creative Arts at North County Christ the King, leading a team of gifted people who are in charge of publications, graphic design, video production, stage production and music.

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