Stage Design on a Budget


When it comes to stage design, money matters. Unfortunately, when you are a part of a smaller church and have a low or non-existent budget, money matters even more. Money, however, does not have to dictate your design options.


Here are a few guidelines to creating unique stages on a budget:

1. Think FREE or “almost” free.

Every church has an attic or storage area that is bound to contain things of the past. Old paneling can become a rustic backdrop, sheets can become curtains, and you can never go wrong with old, white Christmas lights. Wooden pallets are easy to find and can be pulled apart or painted to create endless stage props. If you need a common household item, ask for donations first. Lastly, take advantage of clearance aisles.

2. Use your local hardware stores.

Take the time to walk through every aisle in stores such as Home Depot or Lowes and look at inexpensive building supplies. Adding lighting and spray paint can instantly change insulation, plywood, plastic pipes and even furnace filters from ordinary to unique pieces of art. The more you build or put together on your own, the less money you need to spend.

3. Reuse / Recycle / Repurpose.

Don’t be afraid to use pieces from a stage design more than once. Make a place to store curtains, lights and other items that can be used again. Don’t forget to check that area before shopping for supplies so that you don’t spend money unnecessarily.

Be encouraged that no matter what your congregation size or what your budget restraints are, you can make incredible stage designs that make an impact.

Money does not have to dictate your design options. You can do stage design on a budget @kimmyaporter Click To Tweet
 Don’t let money be an issue. Get out, get to work and let God use your creative abilities to their fullest potential!

About the Author_02

Author Photo- Kim Porter

Music Director / Creative Arts Director
The River Church | Liberty Township, OH

Kim has been surrounded by music her entire life. She led worship in church settings as a young teenager through her adult years and continues to feel incredibly blessed to do it now as a profession. She has been serving as Worship Leader and Creative Arts Director since 2010 at The River Church in Liberty Township, Ohio.  Besides leading the congregation in music each week, Kim also spends time building stage designs, brainstorming sermon illustration ideas and whatever else she can do to keep her creative mind entertained.

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