Stop Complaining About What You Don’t Have

Many of us in church tech can get caught up in the temptation to complain about the things we don’t have or can’t afford.

This grumbling may seem justified by our limited (or non-existent) budget, a lack of appreciation, or apparent disrepair of certain system components.

A common refrain in the tech booth sounds something like: “Our sound/lighting/video could be so much better if only we had ____________”

Yes, a new digital mixing console sure would be nice. We could do so much with a few LED fixtures and moving heads. And an ultra-fine pixel pitch LED video wall would really make our visuals pop.

There’s nothing wrong with doing some thoughtful planning and budgeting for the things we need or want for enhancing the worship experience. But there is a problem with a habit of complaining about something that we won’t take the initiative to act on and work towards.

There's nothing wrong with thoughtful planning and budgeting for the things to enhance the worship experience. But there is a problem with developing a habit of complaining. @james_wasem Click To Tweet

Next time you are tempted to bemoan the lack of tech gear you desire, consider leveraging that energy and turn it into a positive outcome with a few of these tips.

Too many outdated fixtures or components in your system?
Make a list of items that should be replaced and prioritize the importance of each item, then collaborate with your leadership team and have a candid discussion about the state of your gear and what that means for the worship experience.

Can’t seem to afford that new digital console or video mixer?
Research the various options and brands available, compile a rough estimate for cost, and brainstorm different ways to fit the cost into a tech budget over time.

Do lackluster volunteer turnouts have you down?
Implement some of these effective and insightful tips to boost volunteer participation and grow your tech team.

Does the audio/video/lighting quality of your worship service suffer from inconsistency week to week?
Work to establish a consistent training program to ensure new volunteers are methodically brought up to speed on the right processes and schedule periodic group training days or continuing education events for all team members.

Overcoming the temptation to complain with a response to engage the issue in a positive way will encourage a culture of appreciation, excellence, and productivity – and that’s something we can all put into practice a little more often.

Overcoming the temptation to complain with a response to engage the issue in a positive way will encourage a culture of appreciation, excellence, and productivity. @james_wasem Click To Tweet