3 Reasons Why Planning is so Important

1. It Brings You Closer to God

Proverbs 16:3 ESV “Commit your work to the Lord, and your plans will be established.”

Even as you plan and prepare for service/events/etc, pray to ask that God would guide and lead you in the decisions you make. God wants to be a part of your life, even in the details. Approach your planning by seeking and praying to ask God to give you the ideas, guidance, and wisdom you need to make the best possible decisions that will honor Him and bring Him glory. Start by seeking Him first.

2. It Leads To Abundance

Proverbs 21:5 ESV “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance, but everyone who is hasty comes only to poverty.”

Proverbs says that the plans of the diligent will prosper and thrive. The most successful events that I have been a part of were the one that had the most planning and thought put into it from the front end, not ones that were “winged.” If you want your service or event to be successful and to have impact, be intentional about the planning and thought that goes into it. If you do not already use a planning tool like Planning Center Online, I would really suggest in investing in something like that for your church and volunteers.

3. It Frees You Up

For the longest time, one of my weekly goals was to complete as many critical things off of a task list as I could. I would even wake up in the middle of the night and add items to the list and I felt like I was never really able to shut off my brain. In ministry, it feels like everything is of upmost importance (and don’t get me wrong, I want to give God and the church my very best).

The truth is, I felt like I was having to decide whether I should spend my time on the important tasks or the really important tasks because I was not able to get everything done. It was draining and somewhat depressing ending the week with a longer list than I started with, because I would complete one thing and end up adding two more things.

It wasn’t until I started to use (and stick to) a calendar that I began to become more productive and efficient in my work and home life. When I was able to see my week laid out on a calendar in front of me, it was a breath of fresh air. I knew exactly what I had to do and how much time I had to do it in.

Whenever I have to do something (anything from a 10 minute tasks to a 2 day task) I will block out some time on my calendar to complete it…and then not have to worry or think about it until my calendar reminds me at the appropriate time! It has allowed me to free up my mind from not having to remember all the little details of my week.

My wife and I have even created a family calendar that we share that includes family outings, vacations, doctor visits, etc.

Approach your planning by seeking God first. @briandamerow @twelve30media Click To Tweet

If you want your service or event to be successful and to have impact, be intentional about the planning and thought that goes into it. Click To Tweet

About the Author_02

Author Photo - Brian Damerow

Media Director
Revolution Church | Canton, GA

Brian has served as the Media Director at Revolution Church in Canton, Georgia since 2012. He oversees all production throughout the church and leads a team of over 70 volunteers in the areas of audio, video, lighting, stage design, photography and more. He also helps produce media content for their worship services. Brian has been a Front-of-House Audio Engineer for over 10 years. He graduated from Texas State University with a degree in Business Management. He has been married to his wife Paige for almost three years and are expecting their first baby girl in the coming months. Brian loves playing golf, the drums, and watching The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.