Back to School

Easy As ABC : How to prepare your youth ministry for the return of school

Within the next few weeks, students all over the country will be lamenting the return of the classroom and the end of a summer that was too short. As sad as this fact may be for middle schoolers and high schoolers, youth ministries everywhere are excited because, as good as summer was, it is nice to get back to the routine of a weekly program with students and families home from vacations. This time of year can be one of the most fruitful for youth workers if they are diligent in preparations to be ready to connect with students while the iron is hot and daily life is fresh and new. 

So, are you ready for ministry with students back in school?

If not, here are a few things you can do to get there. 

A… One of the most important aspect of programming for students and families is the distribution of information. Create a calendar with accurate information that you can email or print to get into the hands of the families who will benefit from what is planned. Be clear on dates, times and cost. Make sure there is a clear pathway to register for events and attend services. Start filling social media with exciting opportunities now so families can be a part of what God is during through your ministry.


B… For a more effective programming season, begin crafting creativity before you need it. Think through all the ways you could make old and tired systems, programs and services new and exciting. What videos could you play? What series could be done? What skits would be hilarious? Plan these out and be better prepared to execute them well. Consider utilizing a new 12:30 Media resource called the “Back To School Pack” to bring a creative edge to your services.


C… Lastly, expand your volunteer base. Take time to identify leaders in your church who would make awesome youth workers. Invite them to be a part of God’s work in your church. Tell them specifically what you would like them to do.Encourage them by letting them know their name was brought up as someone who would be great at this area of the ministry. Communicate expectations clearly and praise them as they serve.

Getting ready for the return of school is as easy as ABC, but it does take some intentionality to be highly effective. Use the remaining summer wisely to have the greatest impact. 

Bonus Tip… Our student ministry partners with schools in the area at the beginning of each school year to walk school campuses and pray for the teachers, administrators and students before the year begins. Look for connections you may have with people in the school systems to find a way to support them and encourage them this fall. While many schools are closed to religious activity, you might be surprise by how many are welcoming to a time of prayer or maybe your kind gesture will open doors that have, up to this point, been closed.