Posts Tagged ben stapley

Internship Best Practices

Internship Best Practices

Internships are great ways to find and develop your future church staff. When done right, you can have a lasting impact on the kingdom by the way you develop and mentor the up­ and ­coming church leaders of tomorrow. Let’s learn some best practices and how your church can train... read more

are you services predictable

Are Your Services Predictable?

It’s easy for church services to get into a rut with Sunday coming every 7 days. Over 52 weeks a year and creative teams can start to rely on past successes instead of crafting dynamic new ones. Whether your services are timed to the minute or open ended, below are... read more

running a great band audition

Running a Great Band Audition

Running a great audition sets the tone for possible years of partnership with a band member. Taking the time to think it through and execute it well, laying a solid foundation of trust to build upon. Below are some pointers that I have learned over the years that help run... read more

video testimony checklist

Video Testimony Checklist

Many churches use video testimonies in their services to tell powerful stories of redemption and restoration ­ stories of God at work. These types of personal and intimate stories work best between friends ­ when the interviewer and interviewee know each other well. Having a friend conduct the interview allows... read more

how to write great announcements

How to Write Great Announcements

Every church has a chance to call their congregation to incredible opportunities of service and growth for themselves and the Kingdom of God every Sunday. Every Sunday there are opportunities to express avenues of activity that can make an eternal impact. And every Sunday these opportunities can be missed because... read more

Storytelling through Photography

The church has the most important message to communicate – that everyone is unfathomably loved by God. The church needs the best communication tools to convey that message. Capturing great photos is one way to do that. Through incredible storytelling, photos can pull a viewer in and showcase powerful moments.... read more

How to Deliver Live Announcements

Announcements can be the lamest time during the service. But they don’t have to be. If you have great content and a great communicator, announcements can be a lively, worshipful and engaging element. Here are several tips for delivering live announcements at your church: Practice at Home and at the... read more

How to Publically Read Scripture Well

Many churches read a passage of scripture during their services. That could be the psalm which a song was based on, the passage the message will focus on, or a benediction to conclude the service. Regardless of when scripture is read, or who is doing the reading, it should always... read more