Posts Tagged community

Church Online Tip #27 – Be Authentic

Today’s Church Online Tip is this: Be Authentic People need you right now. I want to encourage you to start where your church is and be consistent.   Be authentic with your Production. Don’t be something you’re not. If you don’t have the equipment to do a multi-camera set up with... read more

Making Social Media More “Social”

Where did the social go in social media?   Every church, business, or organization struggle with engagement. We can never get enough, and we always want more. Engagement is a true measurement of how effective the media you’re putting out there really is. If someone feels strongly enough about something... read more

community collaboration

Community Collaboration

Is your church a part of your community?   A few years ago, our middle school ministry hosted a Q&A panel. We invited local law enforcement officers, teachers, coaches, and counselors to come and speak on questions posed by an audience of parents. That kind of content connects people with... read more