Posts Tagged jonathan malm

great stage design

4 Priorities of Great Stage Design

Running a site like, I’ve seen thousands of stage designs. It’s sexy, seeing what brand new types of materials innovative churches start using. And I’ve even had the fun of designing my own stages with my own unique materials. I’ve used PVC, cellophane, stretch fabric, light bulbs… Always looking... read more

you're never gonna please everyone

You’re Never Gonna Please Everyone

In all my experience working at a church, there’s one problem I’ve never been able to solve. It’s one of the most pervasive conflicts churches around the world experience. And it’s a huge form of strife among churchgoers – especially young adults. The conflict is this: Where do we go... read more

Beyond Stage Design

I run a website called It gets around 400,000 views/month. That number continually surprises me, knowing there are that many people around the world doing stage design at their church.   People ask me all the time if I post every stage design that is submitted through the site.... read more