Posts Tagged jonathan pearson

This is Your Greatest Asset

Sometimes, we’re best known for what we didn’t have to do. We all have responsibilities. Let’s face it, adulting is tough work. There are bills to pay, children to care for, responsibilities at work, volunteer responsibilities, and the list goes on and on. However, much of that stuff is expected.... read more

Stuck in the Median

Stuck in the Median

I’m thankful for medians on the highway. I know that sounds odd to be thankful for, but I really am. As an impatient person and an impatient driver, medians allow me to get out into traffic a little faster. They allow me to take the lanes one at a time... read more

be the switch

Be The Switch

Raise your hand if you have a light switch at home… Okay, so you know how a light switch works. The concept is simple (although, don’t ask me about how it technically works). The light switch is usually on a wall some where by the door. When someone walks into... read more

leadership gap

The Leadership Gap

It happens in life and it happens in our leadership…   It’s the gap between where we are and where we want to be. It’s the gap between where our organization is and where we know it needs to be. How we manage this gap and how we operate while... read more

things leaders do

3 Things Leaders Do

Learn Leaders are learners. When we stop learning, we’ll soon quit leading… leading well at least. The thing that I’ve learned from some of the best leaders I’ve ever been around is that they’re willing to learn from anyone. It doesn’t have to be an “expert” in a field or even a... read more

build influence

Ways to Quickly Build Influence

This post comes from a personal place for me. After 6 years at my previous church, I’m in a new place of service. I’m with new people, new coworkers, and a new environment. Being a pastor and someone who wants to influence the lives of the people around me for... read more