Posts Tagged leadership


7 Ways to Retain Volunteers

Volunteers are so important to the life of your church.   Even the largest churches in the nation depend heavily on volunteers to execute weekend services and activities. There are times when volunteers leave your ministry for good reasons. There are times where volunteers need to be moved to another... read more

unplug from leadership

How To Unplug From Leadership

One of the times of year my family looks forward to the most is our annual camping trip to Lake Michigan. We sleep in a tent, cook around a campfire and spend a week without a schedule, alarms or obligations. Because my husband and I both work at a smaller... read more

how well does your team know you

How Well Does Your Team Know You?

I think the vast majority of us would agree that the strength of the team comes often time from the relationships built outside of serving together. If a volunteer team only meets up on Sunday and doesn’t talk the rest of the week, it won’t be a shock that they... read more

how to fire a volunteer

How To Fire A Volunteer

Do you ever have a volunteer that is not a great fit for your team or the position they are in on your team? Do you worry about dealing with the situation because they are a volunteer? I’ve been there. You want to be gracious, but they feel entitled to... read more

5 Ways to Develop Young Leaders

My friend Kim Porter wrote a very powerful article on Wednesday on the topic of leadership and the times ‘when you don’t know it all’ as a leader. And she’s right, you don’t have to know everything about a certain topic in order to lead – as she put it,... read more

When You Don’t Know it All

Six years ago, I stepped into a role I didn’t feel even slightly prepared to take on. My husband, Todd, and I had came down from the Detroit area with our kids so that he could take on the position of Youth Pastor at a growing church in the Cincinnati... read more

5 Ways to Motivate Your Team

We had been defeated. Never had my wife and I worked toward a common goal with such ferocity and dedication. We had oriented every moment of our day around achieving this allusive dream and enjoying the thrill of victory and the ease of our pocketbook. It seemed simple enough. There... read more