Posts Tagged leadership

The Voices in Our Head

A while back, I had an experience that you might be able to relate to.   We had just finished our church service with worship and communion.  As the music team was slowly unplugging and turning off their equipment, we felt encouraged by how God had used us. Just as... read more

Slow Down

I used to believe that driving faster would help me save fuel (I was just starting to drive at this time). Later, I believed the slower I drove the better my mileage would be. As research has shown- right around 55 mph is the optimum speed to get the best... read more


Relevance is a tricky thing. It’s a sliding scale depending on the demographic, and yet it is incredibly black and white. Nothing is “kind of” relevant. It either is or it isn’t. Especially in the church. In centuries past, the church was an epicenter of the art community, a place... read more


Caring for Your Volunteers: REST

It’s almost Thanksgiving and though most people are thinking about turkeys, family time and cooler weather, those of us involved in the church world already have our brains spinning around the upcoming Christmas Holiday. We are busy sorting though music, Christmas stage designs or just general holiday service planning. Of... read more

Starting with a Vision

As we all know, media comes in many forms.  In 2015, its in Radio, TV, Internet, Print, Social Media and as we have recently discussed on this blog, Film and Movies. By the way I want to give [twelve:thirty]media owner Carl Barnhill a big ‘God bless you’ and ‘thank you’... read more

5 Reasons You Should Have a Content Manager

Getting decent, well-written, rich content from ministries and ministry leaders can be challenging at times. Some staff simply don’t have the time, while others just simply aren’t wired to write good content. So how are we supposed to gather valuable and relevant information in order to communicate and inform members?... read more

Own It

When it comes to volunteers we all have people all across the serving spectrum. On one side there are the people who would serve at every opportunity and then we have those on the other side of the spectrum who serve once a month or so. But when it comes... read more