Posts Tagged learn

How To Deal With Criticism

Art is not as easy as data. Data is cold, lifeless, and not emotional. When criticism is aimed at data very quickly the truth is identified, evaluated, and then we move forward. But art is connected to its creator…the artist, you. 
When we create art a small little piece of... read more

Learning from Failure with Dallas Jenkins

Two years ago, I interviewed Dallas Jenkins to talk about church media and his movie The Resurrection of Gavin Stone. Dallas, who has had a career in Church Media staff positions at churches and through filmmaking, had a slate of projects lined up for 10 years with major Hollywood studios... read more

When You Don’t Know it All

Six years ago, I stepped into a role I didn’t feel even slightly prepared to take on. My husband, Todd, and I had came down from the Detroit area with our kids so that he could take on the position of Youth Pastor at a growing church in the Cincinnati... read more