Posts Tagged making sunday happen

5 Tools for Church Online

Church Online. It is here to stay. I like to think of your Online Worship Experiences as a campus of your church. When launching a new campus, you would be intentional about the budget, staff and energy you poured into it. In this article, I want to give you 5... read more

Top 5 Camera Gear Needs for Churches

As you look to record and capture the stories and messages of your church there are some key pieces of gear you need to consider having in your arsenal. Now I am going to assume you have already selected your camera. 1. EXCELLENT 3 POINT LIGHTING Lighting is key to... read more

Podcasting 101

So you’re thinking about doing a podcast, huh? It makes sense. Over the past few years, the podcast medium has exploded with growth and popularity. In the busy world we live in, podcasts are great for long commutes, trips to the gym, or even running errands around town. Your church... read more