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S01. Episode 015: My Bad

Episode 15: If you are in ministry for any length of time, and if you are in student ministry for at least a week, YOU WILL MAKE MISTAKES. I like to think of it as “a part of the job.” Besides accepting this, there really are a few practical steps... read more

S01. Episode 014: Let Them Lead

Episode 14: As youth pastors we spend our time pouring into students. We desire to see spiritual growth as well as maturity and life skills develop in them. A huge way we can train them is through actually letting them lead. Imagine a ministry for students, led by other students.... read more

S01. Episode 013: Best Preservice Meals

Episode 13: We all know that as youth pastors, life can get very hectic, especially on nights where we have programs or events. Often times times in those hectic moments, the first things to go are elements of self care like eating even! In this episode Trevor and Stal go... read more

S01. Episode 012: Book Worm

Episode 12: If you want to be successful in life and ministry, you cannot stop learning! And one of the best ways to do that is to keep reading. In this episode the guys share with us some of the books that have helped shape their lives and ministry. Check out... read more