Posts Tagged new year

5 Ways the Church Changed in 2020

I am not the first person to say this and this probably won’t be the last time you ever hear this but 2020 changed the Church. 2020 forever impacted God’s people because we were faced with realities that most of us have never had to deal with. Almost overnight our... read more

S01. Episode 012: Book Worm

Episode 12: If you want to be successful in life and ministry, you cannot stop learning! And one of the best ways to do that is to keep reading. In this episode the guys share with us some of the books that have helped shape their lives and ministry. Check out... read more

S01 Episode 011: New Year “New Room”

Episode 11: We are almost done with the first month of 2019. You probably set a handful of resolutions for the New Year (on paper, or in your head!) and you may or may not have already fallen off of the wagon. Regardless, that new and freshness can still be achieved... read more