Posts Tagged pastor

are you services predictable

Are Your Services Predictable?

It’s easy for church services to get into a rut with Sunday coming every 7 days. Over 52 weeks a year and creative teams can start to rely on past successes instead of crafting dynamic new ones. Whether your services are timed to the minute or open ended, below are... read more

If You Only Focus on One Thing in 2016…

Full disclosure: I’m more of a pastor than a techie. Don’t get me wrong – I love all aspects of using media to create experiences where people grow closer to Jesus. I love computers, cameras, lighting, audio, sets, switchers, and other production gear. But my passion is people. So I’m... read more

Pastor First. Tech Second.

This is the secret sauce to building a dynamic volunteer culture at your church. You have to care more about who your volunteers are becoming more than what they do on your team. Your goal should be to create a community, not use people to push a button. Make sure you... read more