Posts Tagged podcast

Is the Church Newsletter Dead?

Is the Church Newsletter Dead? I think the short answer to this no, your Church Newsletter isn’t dead, it may just need a Facelift and New Packaging. If you still have a printed Church Newsletter, here are some questions you might ask: Are people reading it? Is there better use... read more


Why You Need Music For Your Church Podcast

Do you have a favorite podcast? Is there a particular host that impresses you? A go-to show with content that excites you every single episode? Do you keep a shortlist of podcasts you’re constantly recommending to your friends and family? Chances are you answered “Yes” to all of those questions,... read more

Podcasting 101

So you’re thinking about doing a podcast, huh? It makes sense. Over the past few years, the podcast medium has exploded with growth and popularity. In the busy world we live in, podcasts are great for long commutes, trips to the gym, or even running errands around town. Your church... read more

S01. Episode 013: Best Preservice Meals

Episode 13: We all know that as youth pastors, life can get very hectic, especially on nights where we have programs or events. Often times times in those hectic moments, the first things to go are elements of self care like eating even! In this episode Trevor and Stal go... read more