Posts Tagged sound quality

great church sound

How to Prepare for Great Church Sound

Great sound at church is the result of thoughtful preparation and diligent effort.   Sure, there can be some rather technical components involved, but I would argue that the thoughtfulness and care that you bring to your mix plays a much bigger role in achieving great quality sound than that... read more

3 Tips to Stop Audio Feedback

Feedback from the sound system is one of the most annoying distractions from the sound system. As a new volunteer sound tech, feedback was my arch nemesis! A successful service was defined by the simple test of whether there was feedback in the middle of service or not. The interesting... read more

Ideas for Better Sound Quality at Your Church

Ideas for Better Sound Quality at Your Church

  Sermons are carefully prepared. Worship songs are thoughtfully selected and arranged. The band is warmed up and ready to go. And the tech team has everything in place for a quality service. But there are still sound system problems… EVERY WEEK! Maybe these problems are minor and “easy” to... read more