Posts Tagged stallion

S01. Episode 005: Game Time

Episode 5: It’s time to talk games! If you are involved in Student Ministry in any capacity then you know that games are a huge piece of your ministry. And maybe, like us, you’ve struggled from time to time to come up with great games… we get it, we’ve been there!... read more

S01. Episode 003: Seeing is Believing

Episode 3: Let’s talk about sermon illustrations! What are some ways we can create cool, fun and practical sermon illustrations for your messages. Trevor and Stallion challenge each other to come up with some quick object lessons on the fly and they do… well, they do ok! Then they proceed... read more

S01. Episode 001: Thin Spaces

Episode 1 – is all about viewing our youth room as a sacred place. How can we take the mundane, everyday space that is our meeting room and remember to view it as a place where God desires to produce life change. Join Trevor and Stallion as they explain and hit... read more