Posts Tagged vision

Church Online Tip #27 – Be Authentic

Today’s Church Online Tip is this: Be Authentic People need you right now. I want to encourage you to start where your church is and be consistent.   Be authentic with your Production. Don’t be something you’re not. If you don’t have the equipment to do a multi-camera set up with... read more

creative people

Creative People Are Different

Creative people are different. No secret right. Let’s be honest there are a lot of times we walk by the “creative offices” and wonder what in the world is happening in that room? There are people lying on the floor, music is blaring, ping-pong is being played and we start... read more

Starting with a Vision

As we all know, media comes in many forms.  In 2015, its in Radio, TV, Internet, Print, Social Media and as we have recently discussed on this blog, Film and Movies. By the way I want to give [twelve:thirty]media owner Carl Barnhill a big ‘God bless you’ and ‘thank you’... read more