Posts Tagged volunteers

Lyric Operators

Advanced Training for Lyric Operators

Your Lyric Operator is a Worship Leader.   I’ve not only attended, but had a hand in executing hundreds of Worship Experiences in churches of all sizes and denominations. I can tell you first hand, when the lyrics are late or inconsistent on screen its bad. Its just like a... read more

Going Beyond The Technical

While leading and serving within the technical aspects of the church, sometimes as leaders we can run the risk of focusing too much on the tech and not enough on the people. Yes I love a glitch free service as much as the next person, however, if that is our... read more


7 Ways to Retain Volunteers

Volunteers are so important to the life of your church.   Even the largest churches in the nation depend heavily on volunteers to execute weekend services and activities. There are times when volunteers leave your ministry for good reasons. There are times where volunteers need to be moved to another... read more

5 Ways to Develop Young Leaders

My friend Kim Porter wrote a very powerful article on Wednesday on the topic of leadership and the times ‘when you don’t know it all’ as a leader. And she’s right, you don’t have to know everything about a certain topic in order to lead – as she put it,... read more

The Ark Encounter with Mark Looy

When leading our volunteer teams, its fun to let our volunteers know about things that will strengthen and grow their faith. Whether that be devotionals, bible studies, events, or even attractions. This year at the National Religious Broadcaster’s convention, I was introduced to a new exhibit being built by Answers... read more

This Calls for a Celebration

Most of us reading this article have recently celebrated our church’s Easter service! Congratulations! I’m sure what you all created was a wonderful time of celebrating Jesus and telling the world about Him. Of course we all know that Easter isn’t the end. Sunday is coming. Sunday is always coming!... read more

If You Only Focus on One Thing in 2016…

Full disclosure: I’m more of a pastor than a techie. Don’t get me wrong – I love all aspects of using media to create experiences where people grow closer to Jesus. I love computers, cameras, lighting, audio, sets, switchers, and other production gear. But my passion is people. So I’m... read more

Slow Down

I used to believe that driving faster would help me save fuel (I was just starting to drive at this time). Later, I believed the slower I drove the better my mileage would be. As research has shown- right around 55 mph is the optimum speed to get the best... read more