Posts Tagged worship


Worship From Home with Real Life Church

Spiritual church services have been around for many millennia, and that still holds true today. In the past, it was standard for families to have a slow and relaxed Saturday evening. This allowed them to be rested and refreshed for Sunday morning church services. However, the increasingly busy schedules of... read more

The Page Turn – Lessons from a Piano Teacher

If you took piano lessons like me, you remember sitting on the piano bench with the teacher at your right side. I looked at the sheet music with my eyes while my untrained hands learned how to translate notes, flats, sharps, clefs, rests, and time signatures into music. Starting out,... read more

Producing Virtual Choir Videos

Your church might be working to re-open your buildings or your church might be waiting months longer to open. Either way, Online Church is here to stay. So, how are you enhancing your Online Worship Experiences? One way that we’ve helped churches still engage in worship corporately is through Virtual... read more

Digital Great Commission

The Digital Great Commission

Most technicians are content to stay in the background, pushing buttons and not talking to anyone.   Many church technicians have said that despite trying, they have never personally lead anyone to Christ and it bothers them. God created us all to worship Him so why didn’t He create us... read more

NEW Holiday Worship Media

NEW Holiday Worship Media

One area we help churches Transform their Worship Experiences is with quality, pre-made Worship Media content. I wanted to take this post to highlight some of our new holiday content specifically designed to enhance the Christmas experiences at your church. Use these Mini-Movies, Service Packs, Series Boxes and Song Videos... read more

In-Ear Monitor Tips

In-Ear Monitor Tips & Tricks

In-ear monitors or personal monitor systems can be a great tool for both the worship team and the sound team.   One of the primary benefits of using in-ear monitors is that they can dramatically reduce the overall volume on stage. This lower stage volume helps the sound tech craft... read more