Producing Virtual Choir Videos

Your church might be working to re-open your buildings or your church might be waiting months longer to open. Either way, Online Church is here to stay. So, how are you enhancing your Online Worship Experiences? One way that we’ve helped churches still engage in worship corporately is through Virtual... read more

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COVID-19 and Beyond

I want to give you some practical ideas of things you can do from a marketing standpoint during the COVID-19 pandemic, once we’re through it, and into the next crisis. (Oh, it’s coming, it always does.) Let’s get started: 1. It’s not about attendance, it’s about opportunities The church in... read more

Church Online Tip #27 – Be Authentic

Today’s Church Online Tip is this: Be Authentic People need you right now. I want to encourage you to start where your church is and be consistent.   Be authentic with your Production. Don’t be something you’re not. If you don’t have the equipment to do a multi-camera set up with... read more