Creativity in the Bible

I recently finished my third book, Creative Potential: Principles for Unleashing Your God-Given Calling, and one of the overarching themes of the book is the role creativity plays in scripture. Growing up, I never used to think that creativity was really a biblical concept. And every once in a while... read more

What is Ableton Live?

If you’re a worship leader or tech director reading this, you’re likely familiar with Ableton Live. You probably already use if for tracks, or you know someone that does, or you’re fighting to the death to not have to use tracks. But Ableton Live does far more than run tracks.... read more

What’s A Day Off?

It was my first youth ministry job interview. During the month of March, in my last semester of seminary, I drove to Cincinnati to meet with the church’s administrative board. We talked about the usual kinds of issues, like how to counsel teens, my vision and strategy, and how to... read more

Recording a Sunday Message on a Budget

A great outreach and “inreach” for churches is to make their Sunday morning messages available to their congregation. It is super handy to have to give to those who cannot physically come to church, or have to miss a Sunday for a variety of reasons. A quality Sunday message audio... read more