Back to School

Easy As ABC : How to prepare your youth ministry for the return of school Within the next few weeks, students all over the country will be lamenting the return of the classroom and the end of a summer that was too short. As sad as this fact may be... read more

Stop Complaining About What You Don’t Have

Many of us in church tech can get caught up in the temptation to complain about the things we don’t have or can’t afford. This grumbling may seem justified by our limited (or non-existent) budget, a lack of appreciation, or apparent disrepair of certain system components. A common refrain in... read more

Thin Spaces

Painted between 1510-1512 AD, is an Italian fresco on the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. It was painted by a well-known artist named Michelangelo. Measuring 18 feet by 10 feet, it depicts the Biblical creation of Adam. At the center of this painting is the connected fingertips of Adam and... read more

This is Your Greatest Asset

Sometimes, we’re best known for what we didn’t have to do. We all have responsibilities. Let’s face it, adulting is tough work. There are bills to pay, children to care for, responsibilities at work, volunteer responsibilities, and the list goes on and on. However, much of that stuff is expected.... read more

Satan’s Lie

I just finished writing my book on finding your creative potential. There’s a section of the book that I called ‘Satan’s Lie’ that is so important to the creative process, that I wanted to share a few thoughts. Here’s the part that’s in the book: Satan has never created anything.... read more