leading lyrics

Leading Lyrics

We’ve all been there – you’re singing along and you’re 2 lines into the next slide before the operator advances to the next slide of lyrics.   It’s brutal. I mean brutal. It feels like the congregation is on a roller coaster ride of singing together. Being late on leading... read more

photo team

Building A Photo Team

Hey there everybody, my name is Ben Stapley and my desire is to help you create and capture moving and memorable moments.   Today I want to give you 10 steps to build a photo team at your church. Now you might not work in the church or non-profit world... read more

Sound Outside

Sound Outside of the Sanctuary

When most people think about church sound, they immediately think of speakers, microphones, and the mixing console in a sanctuary or worship center. And that makes sense.   However, quality sound reinforcement at church often involves more than just making sure your primary worship space sounds good. It’s important to... read more