manager and minister

When Manager and Minister Collide

In the world of church leadership, there are numerous hats that leaders end up wearing. Many times, the art of balancing pastor, administrator, counselor, creative guru and other miscellaneous titles, can end up in a heaping mess on the floor of our church office. If we are honest, we can’t... read more

Mixing with EQ

Mixing with EQ, Panning & Reverb

Mixing live sound is a lot more involved than simply raising or lowering the volume level of various audio sources.   You’ll want to use a few simple tools to help create a mix that has depth, texture, clarity, and focus. Fortunately most consoles have these simple tools built in... read more

video testimonies

Video Testimonies: The Pre-Interview

Many churches use video testimonies in their services to tell powerful stories of redemption and restoration.    Stories of God at work. The pre-interview is an important step in capturing these stories. The pre-interview is a chance to ask your questions before the day of the recording. This gives you... read more


Cultivating Communities

“And let us consider how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the Day drawing near.” Hebrews 10: 24-25 ESV For those of us who lead a weekend team... read more

negative space

Negative Space

*This article first appeared on on August 5, 2015. Check out the original article here. With any project, it can be much more powerful to leave things out rather than keep everything in.   Let’s think about some of the most recognizable brands in our culture today. Brands like FedEx,... read more


Which One Do I Represent?

Recently I attended our annual National Religious Broadcasters Convention in Orlando Florida.   It is my fourth time going but my third straight year and it is amazing how much you can really find out about yourself while attending such a Convention.   The NRB deals with Christian radio, TV,... read more