An Audition Prayer

You just landed an audition for the role of your dreams. You’re perfect for the part. It’s the one that could catapult your career into stardom. You’ve prayed for an opportunity like this and you’ve never wanted anything more in your life. Now forget what you want, release your clenched... read more

The Voices in Our Head

A while back, I had an experience that you might be able to relate to.   We had just finished our church service with worship and communion.  As the music team was slowly unplugging and turning off their equipment, we felt encouraged by how God had used us. Just as... read more

Boarding the Campaign Trail

As we led our volunteer teams at our churches, we need to be involved in the conversations that are important to our culture.   Obviously this year, the political scene is a hot topic of discussion. As leaders in our churches, we need to be informed and knowledgable of our... read more

Radio, Television, and the NRB

Hello everyone and Happy 2016!! Another year in which we all can proclaim the goodness of our Lord Jesus through the various avenues He has given us. At our church, we have a radio program on the GO MIX Christian Radio Network every Sunday afternoon at 12:15 called “Pleasant News... read more