Lessons from a First-Time Director

At twelve:thirty media, our goal is to not only provide quality media content and training to help you create amazing experiences, but to make you aware of some incredible faith-based resources available to you and your church. We also get insights into other professionals in the church and faith-based media... read more

How to Deliver Live Announcements

Announcements can be the lamest time during the service. But they don’t have to be. If you have great content and a great communicator, announcements can be a lively, worshipful and engaging element. Here are several tips for delivering live announcements at your church: Practice at Home and at the... read more


Caring for Your Volunteers: REST

It’s almost Thanksgiving and though most people are thinking about turkeys, family time and cooler weather, those of us involved in the church world already have our brains spinning around the upcoming Christmas Holiday. We are busy sorting though music, Christmas stage designs or just general holiday service planning. Of... read more

Starting with a Vision

As we all know, media comes in many forms.  In 2015, its in Radio, TV, Internet, Print, Social Media and as we have recently discussed on this blog, Film and Movies. By the way I want to give [twelve:thirty]media owner Carl Barnhill a big ‘God bless you’ and ‘thank you’... read more

5 Reasons You Should Have a Content Manager

Getting decent, well-written, rich content from ministries and ministry leaders can be challenging at times. Some staff simply don’t have the time, while others just simply aren’t wired to write good content. So how are we supposed to gather valuable and relevant information in order to communicate and inform members?... read more

How to Publically Read Scripture Well

Many churches read a passage of scripture during their services. That could be the psalm which a song was based on, the passage the message will focus on, or a benediction to conclude the service. Regardless of when scripture is read, or who is doing the reading, it should always... read more

Wearing the ‘Badge of Faith’

At twelve:thirty media, our goal is to not only provide quality media content and training to help you create amazing experiences, but to make you aware of some incredible faith-based resources available to you and your church. We also get insights into other professionals in the church and faith-based media... read more