WOODLAWN: In Theaters Today

At twelve:thirty media, our goal is to not only provide quality media content and training to help you create amazing experiences, but to make you aware of some incredible faith-based resources available to you and your church. We also get insights into other professionals in the church and faith-based media... read more

The Audacity of Ray Comfort

At twelve:thirty media, our goal is to not only provide quality media content and training to help you create amazing experiences, but to make you aware of some incredible faith-based resources available to you and your church. That’s why, in our culture when bakeries can’t make cakes for gay wedding... read more


Coloring Worship

We recently moved into a new home and though I loved the floor layout, the colors left something to be desired. I am a fan of neutral colors but almost every wall was the color of brown mud. The home felt sad, dreary and small. I took some time researching... read more

AUDIO COMPRESSION 101: What is Compression?

There are many illusive terms floating around the audio world and “compression” is no exception. The trouble with compression is that, for such a useful tool, the parameters to control it are rather cryptic if you don’t know what you’re looking at. Coupled with urban legends about what you “should”... read more