The Page Turn – Lessons from a Piano Teacher

If you took piano lessons like me, you remember sitting on the piano bench with the teacher at your right side. I looked at the sheet music with my eyes while my untrained hands learned how to translate notes, flats, sharps, clefs, rests, and time signatures into music. Starting out,... read more

5 Ways the Church Changed in 2020

I am not the first person to say this and this probably won’t be the last time you ever hear this but 2020 changed the Church. 2020 forever impacted God’s people because we were faced with realities that most of us have never had to deal with. Almost overnight our... read more

Custom Media Staff Picks from Christmas 2020

Our team produces dozens of Custom Media projects every month for churches and ministries around the world. Its an honor and a privilege to partner with so many great friends to help them transform their Worship Experiences every weekend. Below is a taste of some our favorite Sermon Bumpers, Promos,... read more

Lessons I Learned Pre-Recording Christmas

This post originally appeared on The Production Pastor  My plan for Christmas this year was to spend a good amount of time and investment making this year’s program special for folks who have really missed being part of regular worship services. The idea was to have multiple virtual choir pieces, a modified opening... read more