the win.

Though our teams should strive to be Unapologetically Excellent (read our post entitled “Excellence vs. Perfection” here), the ‘Win of the Day’ is not that your volunteers pushed every button correctly and had a technically flawless service. The ‘Win’ is seeing people encounter Jesus. You must cast vision to your team... read more


Excellence vs. Perfection

It’s okay for the execution of your worship service to be excellent. You don’t have to settle for “well, that’s the best we can do with volunteers…” There are times when we have excuses for our services not being excellent: “If I just had more time to…” “If we had... read more


Creating the Experience

Christians have a funny way of communicating. Check out how we sound sometimes:   All believers are called to communicate and share with others what Jesus has done in us. Sometimes we use words, sometimes we use music and song, and sometimes we use tools like audio, lighting, and video to create... read more