8 Volunteer Resources to Put in Your Control Room

8 volunteer resources

Put yourself in the shoes of your volunteers. 

Would you rather be over informed with details about the team your serving on or not informed at all? One thing I discovered when leading teams is the more people know, the more ownership they feel.

I wanted people to be so informed that they almost got a little tired of hearing the same information over and over. Here’s why: if people know how your team operates, your processes, your systems, how scheduling works, and everything else… they can easily communicate that information with new people and other team members without you being around.


The more you can empower your volunteers to think and act on their own, the more ministry you can accomplish.


There can also be some “idle” time within a Sunday – time after rehearsal, before services, between services, etc. If you can have resources available in your spaces, you can fill your volunteers with information about your culture, without it just coming from you telling them. Marketing research also shows it takes 7 times of repeating the same message for someone to grasp it.


With that in mind, let me give you 8 resources that you can have available in your control room or your production booth for volunteers to pick up and look at at anytime.

1. Spiritual Growth Resource

The spiritual growth of our volunteers should be of utmost importance in our culture. A few ideas here:


  • Try listing out some recommended places your volunteers can go for daily devotionals, books, Bible Studies, Bibles, and other reading material.
  • List out some Bible Studies, classes, mission trips, seminars and major spiritual growth efforts offered by your church. You’d be surprised what you might think people are aware of that they aren’t.
  • List out other major activities of your church. Got a Men’s Conference coming up? Youth Camp this Summer? Your church might already have printed material you can steal, I mean, re-purpose to have available for your volunteers.

Take care of your team. Keep them informed - they will feel more confident and accomplish more. @carlbarnhill Click To Tweet

2. Team Lists and Schedules

Post your Team Lists and Schedules everywhere! Have them available in your control room or booth, email them out, send them via Facebook message, and whatever other method you can. Don’t give your volunteers any excuse for not knowing what team they are on and when they are scheduled. As far as your control room goes though, be sure to always have a stock of printed teams and schedules handy for easy pickup.


For more on how to build your Team Lists and Schedule your volunteers effectively, check out these links for additional info:


3. Staff and Core Team Contact Information

If people know who to contact if they have a question, it helps them feel informed. Make a quick list of your staff team and your core leaders. Have contact information on these leaders readily available to your volunteers. Doesn’t have to be your cell number if that makes people nervous – just make sure there is some way to get in touch with your core staff and leaders.

Check out these 8 resources to better equip and empower your volunteers for ministry @carlbarnhill Click To Tweet

4. Position Training Guides and Checklists

Have printed copies of any training material or position checklists available to people. Maybe they missed a training, or maybe they might have interest in another position on your team as well.

For some free Training Guides and Checklists on ProPresenter, Switcher, and Camera Operators, check out these posts:

5. New Volunteer Process

I would print out the process our On-Ramp Process of taking a new member of our team from interest to veteran. This allowed people to constantly have this information in front of them so they could help with different parts of the process.


For more on what I mean by our “On-Ramp” Process, check out this podcast episode:

The spiritual growth of volunteers should be of utmost importance in our culture. @carlbarnhill Click To Tweet

5. Training Process and Information

We had a pretty extensive training process for our volunteers, so I made sure to list it out in detail so that everyone knew of it and could read up on it if they wanted to.

For more on our Training Process check out this podcast episode and blog post:

6. Encouragement Cards

This is one of my favorite ideas we’ve had. We put a stack of blank notecards and envelopes in and around our control room. We also put a full list of volunteers nearby. We asked our volunteers that we they had a free minute while they were serving, that they write an note of encouragement to another volunteer or new member to our team. We asked them to write a note, write the recipients name on the envelope and our staff team addressed and mailed them during the week. It was wonderful to see our team members encouraging each other.

8. Church and Team Vision Statements

This should be real easy. Just put your mission or vision statements or some explanation of ‘why’ your team does what they do in your control room or booth. Always keep your ‘why’ in front of your team.

You may be thinking, where do I put all this stuff? How do I organize these documents so they aren’t a mess in my control room?

Consider this paper shelf organizer here to house all these resources.

I used something similar to this organizer and placed labels on the sides to indicate which tray had certain information in it.

I found great success in giving as much information to our volunteers as possible. Take care of your team. If they know what’s going on, they will feel more confident and will actually help you as their leader accomplish more.

About the Author_02

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Creative Director / Owner
[twelve:thirty]media | Columbia, SC

Carl Barnhill has served on staff at some of the largest churches and organizations in the country. He served as Media Director at Precept Ministries International, directing the television and radio program Precepts for Life with Kay Arthur, broadcasted to over 98 million homes around the world. He served as Video Production Director at Pinelake Church in Brandon, MS, where he produced media content for four campuses, as well as led volunteer teams.

He most recently served as Video Coordinator for Newspring Church in South Carolina. Newspring has 10 campuses across the state with a weekly attendance of over 35,000. At one campus alone, the number of consistent volunteers serving in media production tripled, under his leadership.

He currently serves as Creative Director and Owner of [twelve:thirty]media, a company that serves churches and ministries all over the world through motion graphics content and church media coaching.

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