An Audition Prayer

You just landed an audition for the role of your dreams. You’re perfect for the part. It’s the one that could catapult your career into stardom. You’ve prayed for an opportunity like this and you’ve never wanted anything more in your life. Now forget what you want, release your clenched fist, open up your hand and sacrifice it all to God. Easier said than done, right?

Someone once explained to me the concept that a clenched fist cannot receive. Man, that idea hit me like a sack of bricks. I have always prayed over my auditions, but if I had a dollar for every time I prayed for my own will… well, you get the idea. If I’m clinging so tightly to what I want, how can I possibly receive all the goodness that the Lord wants to give me?

I’m sure I’m not alone. As a Christian working in the film industry, it’s so easy to get caught up in selfish motivations, work than glorifies ourselves, misuse of a platform that God had greater intentions for.

I’m guilty.

If I’m clinging so tightly to what I want, how can I receive the goodness the Lord wants to give me? @_AshleyBratcher Click To Tweet

There have been days I’ve been more concerned with my social status than the spiritual health of my soul. I’ve sent up selfish prayers, longed for shallow things that offer fleeting comfort, and I’ve wasted a lot of time forcing things to happen that were never part of God’s plan for my life. After a lot of rejection and missing out on some roles that I really wanted, I had a long pow-wow with God that led me to this realization: God’s plans for us are far greater than the plans we have for ourselves.

“For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” Jeremiah 29:11

If I believe that God’s word is true then, now, and forever and His word promises me that He has plans to prosper me and not to harm me, then is it possible that all those no’s were part of bigger plan? Absolutely. Planting this promise in my heart and fully grasping the way our heavenly father loves us and wants to protect us gave me an incredible peace moving forward in my career.

I had been like a child begging their parents to eat ice cream for every meal. It looks and tastes so good, how can it be bad for me? C’mon Lord, please. I spent a lot time reevaluating my motives, looking at my heart and learning to trust God’s plan for my life.

“This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to his will, he hears us. And if we know that he hears us—whatever we ask—we know that we have what we asked of him.” 1 John 5:14-15

I changed the way I prayed from that moment on. If we are right with God and we are praying for His will, we can rest in complete assurance that we will have what we have asked for. That is a promise, and the freedom that comes from praying this way is such a blessing. I don’t feel anxiety for days waiting to hear whether or not I got the part.

Most days I can’t even remember what I auditioned for last week. Not because I don’t care, but because I have complete faith that God will lead me where I’m meant to go. I’m at peace with the outcome of every audition. With roots planted deeply in my faith, I can maintain my sanity in this crazy world of showbiz.

If we are right with God & praying for His will, we will have what we have asked for. @_AshleyBratcher Click To Tweet

An audition prayer:
Lord, I completely sacrifice this audition to you. I pray that you will strengthen me to perform to the best of my ability, to allow your light and love to shine through me, that I will be set apart for your purposes. Father, I pray that your will be done. I pray that if I am meant to be a part of this project that nothing can stand in the way, and that if this is not a part of your plan for my life that Lord you will protect me from it. I trust you Lord and I thank you for this opportunity. In Jesus name, Amen.

About the Author_02

Actress / Writer / Producer
Wilmington, NC

Ashley Bratcher is a rising name actress with a genuine passion for stories of hope and redemption. Since 2013, Ashley has held lead and supporting roles in multiple projects including 90 Minutes in Heaven opposite Kate Bosworth and Hayden Christensen, the Kendrick Brothers’ War Room, Badge of Faith, Princess Cut (Runner-Up Best Feature & Runner-Up Audience choice Award at the 2015 Christian Worldview Film Festival), and UPTV’s The Perfect Summer and The Dempsey Sisters.