MVR : Most Valuable Resource

most valuable resource

Teams are the most valuable resource that is ever entrusted to you.

I have been blessed to work with some amazing teams in my life, and likewise on some teams that just didn’t quiet have what it took to find success. As a leader we all find ourselves in different seasons. When I moved to Cross Point about 6 years ago, the team that was in place there was 3 full time and one part time employees. They were super close and had great chemistry. When I left a few weeks ago we had grown our little family from 3 and half to 24! Starting at Real Life in Orlando, I join a team that is over 20. Both opportunities are exciting but very different.


Regardless of if you have a team of 50 or 1 volunteer there are a few things that remain the same. As a leader our first responsibility is to cast vision for where our team is going and develop talent to get there. If you don’t have a vision for your ministry that should be the first thing you do. Start praying and seeking God on what your team should be accomplishing.

Start praying and seeking God on what your team should be accomplishing. @B_REWSTER Click To Tweet

Once your vision is clear then you have to assess your talent. What do you have? Do you have the pieces necessary to get where God has called you to go? This is painful because a lot of times, actually most of the time, we identify that we don’t necessarily have everything we need to reach our vision. One of the questions I hear young leaders ask is: “who should I add to my team first? A designer, a video person, a project manager?” The truth is, you should add to the area that is holding you back and keeping you from accomplishing the next step towards your vision. How each team is built is different in function but the successful are the teams that when given their opportunity they lean in and sure up the areas where they are most weak.

Family is built intentionally. Remember that each artist is unique. @B_REWSTER Click To Tweet

The biggest thing to remember as a leader who is building a team is to remember that each artist is unique. You can treat them all fair but you will not be able to treat them the same. The greatest teams I have been privileged to serve with become a family not a team. Family is built intentionally. It is built by caring about the artist, protecting them, and giving them a place to create that is safe. Then, it takes time invested in each individual. Just like any relationship that matters to you, you have to find out how to communicate well with each person on your team, volunteer or full time paid employee. Great teams are built over time with love, grace, time and intentionality, they can’t be microwaved.

As a leader you have to care as much about the person as you do about the art they are creating or the job function that they are facilitating. People matter and they are the difference. When we work with creative stuff we have a responsibility to make sure we take care of people so that the art can flow. Build a great team, build it with care and intention. Build it with people you want to be with, that have talent, and can rally around a shared vision. Then sit back and enjoy the depth of family that makes remarkable teams special!

Care as much about the person as you do about what they create or the job they do. @B_REWSTER Click To Tweet

About the Author_02


Stephen Brewster
Creative Arts Pastor

One of the most sought after speakers and thinkers in the creative space, Stephen Brewster serves as a Creative Arts Pastor in Florida. He has been in professional creative environments including church, music business, marketing, management, artist development, creative team leading and art directing for 15 years. It’s his belief that soon we as the Church will regain our position as the leader of the creative frontier. He loves living a creative and adventurous life with his wife Jackie and their four amazing kids.