Our Best Christmas Blog Posts

Christmas Blog Posts

Over the years, our team has written multiple articles about how to Transform Your Christmas Worship Experiences. These posts give some free resources and provide some great content for your volunteer teams.

Check out these great holiday themed posts from our Archives:

 Christmas Blog Posts

by Dan Bracken
Nobody ever told me that working for a church meant giving up your favorite holidays. Easter and Christmas were my JAM growing up. When I found out Santa wasn’t real, my parents let me eat his cookies. It was awesome. Christmas is still awesome, just in a different way.
First of all, we do seven celebrations on Christmas Eve. 
Starting with tech rehearsal at 11am, and ending with our seventh “Silent Night” at 11pm. We’ve had 9,000 in worship on Christmas Eve. The scope of our expectations swell, as does the stress. The only way you see your family on Christmas week is if you make them act in your videos. And if you’re still earning your “tenure”, you’re probably working the weekend after Christmas, too.

Christmas Blog Posts

by Trevor Miller
For the next few weeks our attention during worship experiences worldwide will turn toward the season of Advent.
Advent is the 4 weeks preceding Christmas and is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Jesus Christ. The word Advent means “the coming” or “the arrival” because just as the people of God waited for hundreds of years for the promised Messiah, modern day Christians eagerly await the return of the Messiah to make all things right. The beautiful thing about Christmas is that it is not just about celebrating the birth of our Savior 2,000 years ago, but the celebration that Jesus Christ can be born into our lives today.

Christmas Blog Posts

by Dan Bracken
Christmas is coming and everybody wants a piece of you. 
Christmas worship is supposed to be mind-blowing, but the in-laws are coming and the house needs to be clean. You’re family calendar lists 3 holiday parties, 4 kids Christmas programs and a reminder to refinance your student loans. Your niece is selling poinsettias, you’re drinking too much coffee, your “to-buy-for” list is up to 23 people, and now your car won’t start. Not to mention, your eating sugar for every meal.
A glass can only spill what it contains.
Here are a few boundaries to help preserve some sanity this holiday season…

Christmas Blog Posts

by Jason Houser
The making of this Christmas album has been such an inspiration to me personally.
As we wrote these songs of worship written to the words of the prophets and the writers of the Gospels of Matthew, Luke and John, it helped connect the dots with the greater narrative of the Christmas story.”
We did our best to capture the beauty and innocence of Mary’s response to the angel in the song “Mary’s Song Of Praise” and well as the joy of the angels in the famous Luke 2 passage as they were singing “Glory To God in the Highest.”
We hope these songs and videos help families get their eyes on Jesus and talk about how these verses and songs impact their lives everyday of the year, not just Christmas!

Christmas Blog Posts

by Luke McElroy
I want to try something on you. When you read the next sentence, I want you to try and identify the feeling that comes over you. Christmas is only a few days away.
For some of you, it’s pure panic. You may not feel ready, or you don’t feel like you are prepared enough to take on all that’s about to come your way. That video isn’t finished. There aren’t enough volunteers. The music isn’t rehearsed. The program or slides aren’t designed yet. The list goes on and on. The mere thought of christmas is too much to handle.
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