UNBROKEN Path to Redemption: An Exclusive Interview with Luke Zamperini

The movie Unbroken: Path to Redemption comes to theaters nationwide this weekend. You may recall the 2014 film Unbroken, directed by Angelina Jolie, that told the story of Olympian and World War II hero Louis Zamperini.

The new sequel to that film, UNBROKEN: PATH TO REDEMPTION brings to life the rest of Louis Zamperini’s powerful real-life story of forgiveness, redemption and amazing grace.

I recently spoke with Louis’s son Luke. We chatted about the legacy of his father and about how this film really captures his dad’s faith and his redemption story.

Check out my Exclusive Interview with Luke below.

About the Film:

After surviving a plane crash, weeks of floating on a makeshift raft in the Pacific and then years of torture as a prisoner of war, Louis “Louie” Zamperini finally returns home to California, seemingly unbroken.

When the war ended, his battle began.

Based on Laura Hillenbrand’s best-selling book, UNBROKEN: PATH TO REDEMPTION begins where the hit movie UNBROKEN concludes, continuing the inspiring and unbelievable true story of the Olympian and World War II hero.

Haunted by nightmares of his torment, Louie sees himself as anything but a hero. Despite battling demons, anger and alcohol abuse, Louie feels obligated to participate in an Army tour to raise money for War Bonds. But he ends up focusing more on hotel bars than his public appearances, and Louie is eventually ordered to take R&R on the beaches of Miami.

There, he meets Cynthia, a young woman who captures his eye—and his heart. After a whirlwind courtship, the couple marries and moves to Los Angeles.

While pursuing every avenue of hope he can find—from trying to re-establish himself as a world-class runner to get-rich-quick investment opportunities—Louie’s wrathful quest for revenge drives him deeper into despair… and the bottle.

Hopeless and on the brink of divorce, Cynthia experiences Billy Graham’s 1949 Los Angeles Crusade where she finds faith in God and a renewed commitment to her marriage and her husband. She turns to God, and prays for Louie to find peace and forgiveness.

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Official Movie Website here.

Clips and Behind the Scenes Featurettes: