Advent Season Readings: Not Yet Christmas

For the next few weeks our attention during worship experiences worldwide will turn toward the season of Advent.

Advent is the 4 weeks preceding Christmas and is a time of preparation and anticipation for the coming of Jesus Christ. The word Advent means “the coming” or “the arrival” because just as the people of God waited for hundreds of years for the promised Messiah, modern day Christians eagerly await the return of the Messiah to make all things right. The beautiful thing about Christmas is that it is not just about celebrating the birth of our Savior 2,000 years ago, but the celebration that Jesus Christ can be born into our lives today.

If you are looking for a way to incorporate the four themes of Advent into your worship experience, consider involving families from your congregation with Advent readings each week. Each week will focus on hope, peace, joy and love. To fully embrace the richness of Christmas, begin by inviting people into the anticipation that leads to the arrival of the Savior!

Week 1: It’s time for Hope

Reader 1: Each year during this time, Christians around the world celebrate the season of Advent. Advent is an ancient word associated with followers of Jesus that literally means: the coming or the arrival. This season is a time of preparation.


Reader 2: It is a time of preparation in mind, body, soul and spirit for the coming and arrival of Jesus Christ. In history, God’s people anxiously waited for the birth of Jesus because they believed it was their only hope for all things to be restored.


Reader 3: Today we light the first candle of Advent as we celebrate the birth of Jesus in his first coming and anxiously await his return. Jesus’ arrival is the very thing that gives us hope that what is broken in our lives can be made new again. This season is not an idle waiting, but an active anticipation. (light first candle)


Reader 4: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, we recognize our deep longing for a savior. Help us to know that Jesus is the source of our hope. We wait for His arrival. Come Lord Jesus, come.

Week 2: It’s time for Peace

Reader 1: The promised Messiah was spoken of as the Prince of peace. The Israelite people had not known a time when they were not ruled over by an oppressive Roman government. To them, this Messiah would finally arrive and free them from unjust rule.

Reader 2: Jesus’ peace did not mean an absence of conflict, but it did promise the presence of God. Many of us have circumstances in our lives that are hard to bear, but in our times of trial we can know a peace that passes all understanding.

Reader 3: Last week we lit the first candle of Advent and found hope for our lives in the arrival of Jesus. (light first candle) This week we light the second candle of Advent as we discover peace that comes from the presence of God in our hearts. (light second candle)

Reader 4: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, now more than ever, we are in need of your peace. May your presence in our midst comfort us in our time of need. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Week 3: It’s time to behold

Reader 1: It is easy to get caught up in the hustle and bustle of Christmas and miss what truly matters. This time of year is about the hope, joy, peace and love that comes with the arrival of Jesus Christ.


Reader 2: It’s time to behold the wonder of Christmas as we focus our thoughts on a tiny baby in a manger. Little did the world know that this was God in the flesh, come to rescue all people.


Reader 3: During the first week we lit the first candle of Advent and found hope for our lives in the arrival of Jesus. (light first candle) Last week we lit the second candle of Advent as we discovered peace that comes from the presence of God in our hearts. (light second candle) Today, we light the third candle of advent as we behold our Savior Jesus.


Reader 4: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, gives us eyes to see the wonder of Christmas. Give us ears to hear the message of hope. Give us minds to perceive the gift of your Son. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Week 4: It’s time for Joy

Reader 1: Angels heralded the birth of the Messiah and kings came from the east to worship and marvel that the God of the universe would care about us in our sinful state. We also marvel that God would step into our world, broken and marred by sin and be Emmanuel, God with us.

Reader 2: The knowledge that God is made himself accessible to us, and that he cannot be stopped or deterred, brings us great comfort and great joy, even as we still live in a world with sorrow and pain.

Reader 3: We lit the first candle of advent and found hope for our lives in the arrival of Jesus. (light first candle) Next, we lit the second candle of Advent as we discovered peace that comes from the presence of God in our hearts. (light second candle) Last week we lit the third candle of Advent as we beheld our savior, Jesus. Today we light the fourth candle of advent because of the great joy we have in a God who came into our mess to heal us. (light fourth candle)

Reader 4: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, we are filled with joy at the thought of your compassion for us. Thank you for being Emmanuel, God with us. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Week 5: It’s time for Christmas

Reader 1: The time has finally come to celebrate Christmas. With all the strength we could muster we have waited patiently to celebrate the birth of God’s son on earth.

Reader 2: We lit the first candle of advent and found hope for our lives in the arrival of Jesus. (light first candle) Next, we lit the second candle of Advent as we discovered peace that comes from the presence of God in our hearts. (light second candle) We lit the third candle of advent as we beheld our Savior, Jesus. (light the third candle) We lit the fourth candle of Advent because of the great joy we have in a God who came into our mess to heal us. (light fourth candle)

Reader 3: Today, on Christmas Eve we light the Christ candle. (light the Candle) With great excitement we light this candle because Jesus is the center of the Advent season. We recognize Jesus Christ as our true source of hope, peace, and joy.

Reader 4: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, thank you for your son, Jesus. Christmas is all about his coming and his return. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

Week 6: It’s time for Love

Reader 1: Revealing His love for the world, God sent His only Son so that we may live through Him. It is His love that brought heaven to earth, and it is this same love that redeems, reconciles, transforms, and makes all things new.

Reader 2: We lit the first candle of advent and found hope for our lives in the arrival of Jesus. (light first candle) Next, we lit the second candle of Advent as we discovered peace that comes from the presence of God in our hearts. (light second candle) We lit the third candle of advent as we beheld our Savior, Jesus. (light the third candle) We lit the fourth candle of Advent because of the great joy we have in a God who came into our mess to heal us. (light fourth candle) During Christmas Eve and Christmas day we light the Christ candle as we recognize him as our source of hope, peace, joy and love. (light the Christ Candle)

Reader 3: Would you join me in reading this prayer… God, thank you for loving us enough that you would sacrifice your life on a cross. We believe you defeated death and we eagerly anticipate your return. Come Lord Jesus, Come.

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About the Author_02

Author Photo - Trevor Miller

Director of Worship Production
Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church | Lexington, SC

Trevor Miller is a graduate of Columbia International University where he earned his degrees in youth ministry, outdoor leadership and Bible. He has a background working in student ministry and currently serves as the Director of Worship Production for Mt. Horeb United Methodist Church in Lexington, SC. Trevor has a passion for creatively communicating the transforming power of the gospel. He and his wife, Jenna, currently reside in Lexington with their 2 boys, Eli and Owen.

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